How I secured and for FREE

Cloudflare Homepage

Security is essential in everything we do in life. At least, it puts us at ease. For a website, it makes users feel at ease as they navigate your web pages, and bots like that too. When I was developing, I paid no attention to security. In fact, the hosting service asked me to… Continue reading How I secured and for FREE

My Tech SEO journey: How it started Vs How it’s going

SEO Manager Certification-Blue Array Academy 2022-06-03 14-22-27SEO-Manager-Certification-Blue-Array-Academy

I was a 15-year-old Engineering student with a vision to be different. I didn’t like the regular work in the oil industry thing that many of my classmates wanted to end up doing. Though I didn’t want to be like them, I didn’t know what I wanted to be either. But I knew that to… Continue reading My Tech SEO journey: How it started Vs How it’s going